This Labor Day was a gorgeous day so we decided to take the top off the jeep, load up our girls and go for a drive along the McKenzie River. We went just over an hour east of Eugene and came across Trail Bridge road, where we decided to pull in and go check it out. We wound our way back through some beautiful campgrounds and up over a damn to find a 120 acre man made “Trail Bridge reservoir”.
The water was too chilly for me to go swimming, I’m guessing around the mid 40’s, but that didn’t stop Koda B, our water dog.
One thing we weren’t expecting to come across was a man made out house…
It does have a nice view though ;)
After letting Dakota swim for a while, we then drove a few miles further east on the McKenzie highway and stopped at Sahalie Falls and it was beautiful!
You can hike up on top of the waterfall where you’ll find some trails that lead you back farther past the falls and I cannot express how beautiful and serene it was. I can only describe it as a mystical land, what you would expect in fairy tales. So many cascading waterfalls that drop into pools of aqua colored water…so magical.
Such a great way to spend Labor Day.